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The Fair Mountain

Once upon a time
there was a fair crown
who lived on a fair island

under the dim glow
of the waning moon.

The fair island
had many farmers
and many inventors
who took the dim glow
of the waning moon
to farm their farms
and invent their inventions.

That is until,
after too much taking,
the waning moon went out.

And so the fair crown gathered
the farmers and inventors in the dark
and told them this story:

"Once upon a time
there was a fair mountain
under the bright shine
of the setting sun.

The fair mountain had
many inventors inventing inventions
and many farmers farming farms,
but they took too much from the sun..."

They already knew the end of the story. 

Left with no sun
they had learned to use the moon.
It was what they had.

"But now we do not have
even the moon!" they protested.

There was no reply.
They were left in the dark.
It was what they had.

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